NG ValidatorPack

Latest Version: 2024.5


LMD Validators Pack provides a set of components and classes to implement client-side validation of data input in an elegant and clear way without writing much code (often without any code at all).

The two main tasks of client-side validation are:

  • to check for validity a value entered by a user into some input control.
  • to provide feedback about validation results (e.g. to indicate an error) in some way.

While the distribution of pieces of validation logic among these levels is an important issue individual to each application, the usual approach is to implement domain-specific validation logic dependent on business rules and data model of the application on the server side and more general and common validation logic - on the client. Examples of typical client-side validation of the user input are to check if a certain field is not empty, if a value is input in certain format, if a value lies in certain range etc. Quality implementation of the client-side validation can greatly increase stability and usability of the application and give it professional look and feel. However, this often requires writing much of the routine code embedded into forms. In certain applications validation logic can represent the major part of the client-side code. NG ValidatorPack is the solution which can significantly simplify and speed up the routine implementation of the client-side validation logic and make the client code more concise and clear. NG ValidatorPack represents the standalone version of LMD Validator Controls without any references to LMD VCL - usable with many available VCL and 3rd Party input controls. Check out NG ValidatorPack documentation for extensive description.


  • Compatible with Delphi and C++ Builder XE2 and better, including 64bit support!
  • Supported IDEs:
    • Delphi XE2 and better
    • C++ Builder XE2 and better
    • All corresponding Studio Products (RAD Studio XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7 etc.)
  • Supported operating systems: Win 7 or better
  • Full sourcecode of all controls included. Registered versions include NG util to compile packages on target system.
  • Extensive demo projects with sourcecode
  • Free updates via Internet
  • A Site License covers unlimited number of developers in same organization at one location
  • Free technical support via public forum (, e-mail, fax or mail;
  • Also available as part of NG Complete or LMD VCL Complete.


Icon and hint:

Yellow background:

DB grid cells validations:

DB edit:


A Validator which checks whether the date/time value in the validated control is located within the specified range.
A Validator which checks whether the string value in the control is located within the specified range.
A Validator which checks whether the floating point value in the control is located within the specified range.
A Validator which checks whether the integer value in the validated control is located within the specified range.
A Validator which checks whether a value of a validated control is within the specified range. Several datatypes are supported.
A Validator which checks whether the string value in the control matches the specified regular expression (e.g. email address, number in certain format etc.).
A Validator which compares the value in the validated control with the value in some reference control.
A Validator which ensures that value in a control is not empty.
Allows grouping of several Validator components to provide more complex data validation logic.
Enables a Validator component to indicate errors by displaying a message box.
Enables a Validator component to indicate errors by sending messages to a specified control which supports ILMDValidationMsgControl interface (e.g. LMDStatusBar, LMDListBox).
Enables a Validator component to indicate errors by displaying icons near the validated control.
Enables a Validator component to indicate errors by changing the visual appearance of the validated control (font and background color and other effects are supported).
An integrated ErrorProvider which provides several standard ways of error indication for a Validator component.
Allows grouping of several ErrorProvider components which can be used at the same time by a Validator component.
TEdit with validation support.
NG ValidatorPack Label control for displaying validation info.
TComboBox with validation support.
TListBox with validation support.
TStringGrid with validation support.
TMemo with validation support.
TRichEdit with validation support.
TDBGrid with validation support.
TDBEdit with validation support.
TMaskEdit with validation support.
TDateTimePicker with validation support.
TDBComboBox with validation support.
TDBMemo with validation support.
TDBRichEdit with validation support.
ValidatorPack StatusBar control for displaying validation info.

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