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LMD DialogPack
JSDialog Namespace

This unit contains the main TJSDialog class implementation.

This unit contains the main implementation of the TJSDialog as well as several global utilities functions useful for when working with the dialog.

The following table lists classes in this documentation. 
The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists variables in this documentation. 
The following table lists constants in this documentation. 
Type of exception raised when TJSDialogSheet specific exceptions occur. 
Type of exception raised when no help file has been found for the current application 
Class used to hold the options for animating the dialog when it is either expanding or collapsing. 
Base class for the TJSHeader and TJSFooter classes. 
Class used to represent the appearance of a border around the contents of the dialog. 
Options for controlling the appearance of the button section that appears at the base of the dialog. 
Clas that contains the options for customising the appearance of command link buttons. 
Class used to store information about a custom button that is used in the dialog 
Collection that maintains the list of custom button items. 
TJSCustomDialog is the base class for objects that represent dialogs. 
The base class for the form used to display the dialogs. 
This component is registered in the Tool (Component) Palette of the selected IDE and is the main component in JSDialog Pack. 
A TPersistent class that is owned by a TJSCustomDialog
Class that describes the how the dialog will appear when it has been expanded or collapsed. 
Class used to represent the information that needs to appear on the footer of the dialog. 
Class used to represent the information that needs to appear in the Header section of the dialog. 
Settings for how the Help Link is displayed in the dialog. To make the Help Link display in the dialog you must specific doHelpLinks in the DialogOptions. 
Class that controls the appearance of the Instruction section of the dialog. 
Class that holds the dialog position values for when the Position property of the TJSDialog component is dpDesigned. 
Class that holds the settings for when a progress bar is displayed on the dialog.
For the progress bar to be visible you must have either doProgressBar or doProgressBarMarquee set in the DialogOptions property. 
Class that helps specify the appearance of radio buttons when they are displayed on a dialog. 
Describes the appearance of any radio buttons on the dialog. 
Collection that maintains the list of radio button items. Keywords: radio buttons;TJSRadioButtonItem;TJSRadioButtons 
Specifies options specific to the sheet DialogStyle. 
Class used to compare a set of two integers against each other. This class is used to check if the dimensions of a custom icon has changed. 
The dialog created, descends from TJSTaskDialogForm. 
Class that contains displayable text on the dialog 
Class that holds timer specific options. 
Class that holds details about the verification control on the dialog. 
Specifies the first value of a custom button on a dialog. 
Specifies the first value of a radio button on a dialog. 
Default Color used for the dialog instruction 
Color constant defined for the color used in vista to draw the divider line between the content section of the dialog and the common button section. 
Name of the control that represents the content section of the dialog 
Name of the control that represents the content of the dialog when the maximum displayable lines has been reached 
Name of the control that represents the expando button on the dialog 
Name of the control that represents the footer section of the dialog 
Name of the control that represents the help link on the dialog 
Name of the control that represents the instruction section of the dialog 
Name of the control that display expanded content on the dialog 
Name of the control that displays the progress bar on the dialog 
Name of the control that represents a group of radio buttons on the dialog 
Name of the control that display expanded rich content on the dialog 
Name of the control that represents the verification checkbox on the dialog 
Name of the form that represents the dialog 
Message sent to the TJSTaskDialogForm instance when the dialog is being closed and it is not a modal dialog 
Message sent to the TJSTaskDialogForm instance when the user has the mouse option set where the mouse should move automatically to the default button on a dialog 
Global function that adjusts the value to resize correctly under a DPI that isn't 96 
GetIcon returns the resourcename for the icon to load from the Windows resource library. 
Get the currently registered font. 
Global function that returns true when running under Windows Vista 
Register the systems default font for this font type. 
Register the Font attributes to use for a certain font type. The registered font is used when called the DialogParams method to initialise a TDialogParams instance with default values. 
Register a font for a specific section of the dialog 
Reset the default fonts back to their original values. 
Type of control that the dialog is asking for information on. This allows you to typecast the TControl parameter with assurance that the control matches the type you specified. 
Options to determine the visual display of the dialog. 
Defines the location of a mouse click on a dialog. 
Type used to hold the Dialog results values. 
Type for determining whether the dialog is currently being previewed. 
Applicable dialog styles. 
Determines what section the font method being called will modify. 
Size of icon to draw in the Header of the dialog 
Specifies the alignment of the Header and Footer images. 
Defines where a TJSDialogSheet displays. 
Specifies the format of the More text. 
Used to determine the source of the More text. 
Used to retrieve the location for the item specified. 
Type used in the OnGetButtonClass event when using a custom button component. 
Control Click event type. 
Type of event triggered when the dialog area is click on 
Type of event triggered when the dialog is closed 
Set of TDialogOption 
Type of event OnGetControlClass. 
Type of event triggered when a dialog is displayed to play a specific sound. 
Type of event OnGetMoreFileName 
Type of event for OnGetMoreStream. 
Type of event OnGetRadioButtonChecked. 
Type of event OnGetVerificationResult 
Type of event triggered when the cbHelp common button is clicked 
Type required for Delphi 5 compatibility. 
Type of event for OnHelpLinkClick. 
Type of event OnInitControl event 
TJSDialogClass defines the metaclass for TJSDialog
Set type that holds the current internal dialog states. 
Determines the values permitted when setting the Speed property for animation. 
Determines the values permitted when setting the Step property for animation. 
Type used in the TJSTaskDialogForm's OnClientClick event handler. 
Type of event to handle when the progress bar changes in doProgressBar is set in the DialogOptions property. 
Type of event to handle when the timer is fired. 
Type used in the OnUpdateProgressBar event. 
Type used in the OnUpdateProgressBar event that helps update the progress bar style when using a custom progress bar. 
Type used in the OnVerificationClick event. 
Always use the system defined fonts for created dialogs. 
Class to use when creating dialogs with the wrapper functions. 
Global variable that controls the dialog appearance. 
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Copyright © 2013 by LMD Innovative. All rights reserved.
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