Keywords |
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Keywords in scheme are described with three XML elements: <KeywordRegex>, <Keyword> and <Keywords>.
Regexp used for searching language identifiers and keywords.
<KeywordRegex>\b[a-zA-Z_][\w_]*\b</KeywordRegex> <KeywordRegex regex='\b[a-zA-Z_][\w_]*\b' /> <!-- Suppose VB scheme: This will highlight VB expressions like Session.CreateObject correctly: 'CreateObject' will not be highlighted as 'keyword'. but: set bounce = CreateObject("ChilkatBounce.ChilkatBounce") will highlight 'CreateObject' as keyword --> <KeywordRegex moreWordChars='.'>\b[a-zA-Z_][\w_]*\b</KeywordRegex> <Keywords>CreateObject set dim Execute ...</Keywords>
Specifies single keyword in scheme. Keyword is specified inside element:
<Keyword>goto</Keyword> <Keyword>if</Keyword> <Keyword>then</Keyword>
Specifies list of keywords, separated by spaces, tabs, or newlines:
<Keywords> asm auto bool break case char const continue default do double else enum export extern false float for goto if inline int long register return short signed sizeof static switch typedef union unsigned void volatile wchar_t while NULL __try __finally __catch </Keywords> |