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TJSCustomChangePasswordDialog Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TJSCustomChangePasswordDialog.

Determines the height of the button bar section of a dialog. 
Override this method to modify the calculated top position for the dialog sheet. 
Calculates the size of the dialog. 
Method that calculates the position of the dialog if the DialogStyle property is set to dsSheet. 
Calculates the minimum width required by the dialog when certain sections are active for a dialog. 
Method that checks to see if the dialog is allowed to process Progress Bar update messages. 
Method that allows descendant classes to override the minimum height check. 
Method that allows descendant classes to override the minimum height check. 
Virtual method that destroys any created controls on the dialog before being closed. 
Method that creates the required button bar buttons to support the dialogs radio button section. 
Method that creates the common button specified by the ACommonBtn parameter. 
Method that creates the control required to draw the content section of a dialog. 
Method that calls all section control creator methods to create the controls used to display the dialog. 
Method that creates the required custom button controls to support the dialogs radio button section. 
This method has no implementation in TJSCustomDialog descendants, but is used in TJSCustomEditDialog descendants. 
This method has no implementation in TJSCustomDialog descendants, but is used in TJSCustomEditDialog descendants. 
Method that creates the required control to allow a dialog to be expanded and collapsed. 
Method that creates the control required to draw the footer section of a dialog. 
This method currently has no implementation but may be introduced later. 
Method that creates the control required to draw the help link section of a dialog. 
Method that creates the control required to draw the instruction section of a dialog. 
Method that creates the rich edit based control required for the footer section of a dialog. 
Method that creates the control responsible for drawing the expanded content in the dialog. 
Method that creates the progress bar control used when a dialog needs to show progress information. 
Method that creates the required radio button controls to support the dialogs radio button section. 
Method that creates the required check box control to support the dialogs verification section. 
Method to call the OnAdjustTopValue event. 
Method called when a button on a dialog has been clicked. 
Method that triggers the OnCleanUpDialog event and calls the CleanUpDialog method. 
Method that triggers the OnCollapse event. 
Method that triggers the OnControlClick event. 
Method that triggers the OnCreated event. 
Method that triggers the OnDestroyed event. 
Method that triggers the OnDestroyed event. 
Method that triggers the OnDialogClick event. 
Method that triggers the OnDialogClose event after calling the UpdateDialogResult method. 
Default event handler for the OnCloseQuery event for the dialog. 
Default event handler for the OnCloseQuery event for the dialog. 
Method that calls the OnDialogConstructed event if one is assigned. The event parameter is the actual form created. 
Method that calls the OnDialogConstructed event if one is assigned. The event parameter is the actual form created. 
Triggers the OnDialogShow event if one has been assigned. 
Method that triggers the OnExpand event. 
Method that calls the InitialiseControlClass method to get the default control class for a specific TControlType
Method that triggers the OnGetControlHeight event. 
Method that triggers the OnGetCustomSound event. 
Method that returns the default edit class to be used for the EditProperties.EditType value. 
Method that calls the OnGetEditValue event. 
Method that triggers the OnGetMoreFileName event. 
Method that triggers the OnGetMoreFileName event. 
Method that returns the checked state for a particular radio button control. 
Method that returns the state of the Verification check box on the dialog. 
Method called when a Help button on a dialog has been clicked. 
Method that triggers the OnHelpLinkClick event. 
Method that calls the InitialiseControl method to initialise the default control instance for a specific TControlType
Method that triggers the OnKeyPress event. 
Method that triggers the OnProgress event. 
Method that sets the default value of the edit control. 
Method that is responsible for making the dialog visible and modal. 
Method that is responsible for making the dialog visible and non-modal. 
Method that triggers the OnTimer event. 
Provides default setting of the edit controls values. 
Method that triggers the OnUpdateProgressBar event. 
Method that triggers the OnUpdateProgressBarState event. 
Method that performs the dialogs validation. 
Method that triggers the OnVerificationClick event. 
Method that triggers the OnVerificationClick event. 
Method that either expands or collapses the dialog and calls the appropriate event for the AExpand value. 
Method that determines which control should have focus when the dialog is displayed. 
Method that determines which control should have focus when the dialog is displayed. 
Method that determines which control should have focus when the dialog is displayed. 
Returns the height of the title bar for the form specified 
Calculates the minimum width required to paint the content section. 
Method that calculates the edit controls width on the dialog. 
Return a particular TJSEditProperties descendent class used to represent the EditProperties property for a TJSCustomEditDialog descendent. 
Method that returns the required height for the footer section of a dialog. 
Method that returns the width of the image to be displayed in the footer of the dialog. 
Method that returns the width of the image to be displayed in the header of the dialog. 
Calls the DoGetControlHeight method and returns the edit controls height. 
Calculates the height required to paint the instruction within the instruction section. 
Calculates the minimum width required to paint the instruction section. 
Returns the default left position for the edit control layout. 
Method that returns the required height for the expanded footer section of a dialog. 
Method that returns the bounding rect for a particular section of the dialog. 
Specifies the system sound to play for the dialog specified. 
Method that allows descendant classes to change the calculated height of a dialog. 
Method that allows descendant classes to change the calculated height of a dialog. 
Returns the number of pixels the content section has. 
Method use to initialise a specific TControlType
Method returns the default control class type for a specific TControlType
Initialises the edit control on the dialog. 
Initialises the margin values used to control the dialogs layout. 
Method that repaints all buttons on the dialog. 
Method that calls all of the relevant section paint methods to paint the dialog. 
Method that paints the Button Bar section of the dialog. 
Method that paints the footer section of the dialog. 
Method that paints the footer separator of a dialog that has a visible footer section. 
Method that paints the glyph associated with the image. 
Method that paints the header section of the dialog. 
Method that paints the glyph and background associated with the Instruction section. 
Method that paints additional text within the content section of the dialog. 
Method that specifies if system sounds are to be played when the dialog is displayed. 
Method that positions the button bar buttons. 
Method that positions the content control on the dialog. 
Method that positions the custom buttons. 
Method that positions the expando control on the dialog. 
Method that positions the footer control on the dialog. 
Method that positions the help link control on the dialog. 
Method that positions the instruction control on the dialog. 
Method that positions the additional content displayed when the dialog is expanded. 
Method that positions the rich edit control when displayed in the footer section of a dialog. 
Method that positions the progress bar control on the dialog. 
Method that positions the radio buttons. 
Method that positions the verification check box. 
Method that recreates temporary controls as used by the dialog. 
Method that reinitialises specific control types. 
Method that resets a marquee style progress bar when displayed on a dialog. 
Method that loads the appropriate system image for a particular TTaskDialogIcon value. 
Method that makes sure that Command Link button hotkeys are visible. 
Method that updates the internal record that holds the various result values for the dialog. 
Method that allows descendant classes to change the calculated width of a dialog. 
Method that allows descendant classes to change the calculated width of a dialog. 
Use this property to determine if a preview of a dialog is being shown. 
Specifies the value used for the left margin. 
Specifies the value used for the right margin. 
Specifies the value used for the vertical margins of the dialog. 
Handle this event to change the calculated Top position of the edit control and label associated with the dialog. It is recommended that small increments are trialed instead of overwriting the new value. The changed value is not validated so caution is encouraged when changing. 
Event triggered when a control on the dialog has been clicked. 
Event triggered when the Dialog area is clicked. 
Event triggered when the Dialog has been closed. 
Event triggered when the dialog is looking for what control class will be used for a specific control on the dialog. 
Handle this event to set the edit control instance at a specific height. 
Event triggered when a dialog that has a MainIcon value of tdiCustom is displayed. 
Handle this event to specify a custom edit control. 
Handle this event to return the selected edit value of the edit control instance as a string. Handle this event if your custom edit control class doesn't contain a 'Text' published property. 
Event triggered when the MoreSource value in the Expando options is msFilename. 
Event triggered when the MoreSource value in the Expando options is msStream. 
Event triggered when a control on the dialog has been clicked. 
Handle this event to retrieve the Verification result. 
Handle this event to perform custom actions when the cbHelp common button bar button is clicked 
Handle this event to process the Help Link being clicked. 
Handle this event to setup a custom control. 
Handle this event to set specific properties on the edit control instance. 
Event triggered when the progress bars position changes 
Handle this event to set the default value of the edit control instance. Handle this event if your custom edit control class doesn't contain a 'Text' published property. 
Event called when EditValue is being assigned. 
This event is triggered every time the Timer interval has elasped 
Handle this event to update a custom progress bar. 
Handle this event to update the state of a custom progress bar. 
Handle this event to perform validation on dialog input when the dialog has been closed. 
Use the OnVerificationClick event handler to respond when the user clicks the verification control. 
Copies the content of another TJSDialog to this object. 
Call the Close method to close the dialog.
Specify the dialog result by using the AModalResult parameter. 
Returns the number of pixels the string passed in needs to be displayed in the dialog content. 
Creates and initializes a TJSCustomDialog instance. 
Set the default radio button for when the dialog is displayed. The aIndex parameter is the index of the radio button as it appears. The first radio button is at index 0. 
Destroys the TJSCustomDialog instance and frees its memory. 
Destroys the TJSCustomDialog instance and frees its memory. 
Set the Enabled property of a custom button control. 
Set the Enabled property of a radio button control. 
Call the execute method to display the dialog.
Specify the owner of the dialog using the aOwner parameter
keywords: Execute;Show;Display 
This is the overview for the Execute method overload. 
The ExecutePreview method should only be used by the Component Editor, the DialogOptions and Position properties are modified before the dialog is displayed in the IDE. 
Returns a list of checked items 
Returns the instance of the control that corresponds to the control type requested in the AControlType parameter. If you use a control type that contains multiple controls, such as ctRadioButton or ctCommandLink than pass in the Value for the required control in the AValue parameter. 
Returns the checked state for the radiobutton value 
This is the overview for the ItemChecked method overload. 
Specifies the number of items in the list for etListBox and etCheckListBox controls. 
Use to click a custom button 
Positions controls to make sure that the sections on the dialog are correct. 
Positions controls to make sure that the sections on the dialog are correct. 
Returns the number of pixels the string passed in needs to be displayed with the specific default dialog font. 
Set the radio button whose value is passed in as the aValue parameter to the checked state set in the aChecked parameter. 
Set the state of the progress bar. Depending on your operating system the progress bar color may change. 
Set the radio button whose value is passed in as the aValue parameter to False. Passing in -1 for the aValue parameter, unchecks all radio buttons. 
Show the dialog after Execute has been called. 
Method that can be used to force the dialog to repaint. 
Use to change the custom buttons Caption, Hint and Info values. 
This is the overview for the UpdateProgress method overload. 
Method that allows to update the edit controls text on a dialog when the EditProperties.EditType value is etEdit. 
Determines which control type has the focus when the dialog is displayed. 
Dialog can be cancelled. 
Dialog can be minimized. 
Specifies that the verification check box is displayed allowing the user to show passwords as plain text. 
Specifies the bi-directional mode for the control. 
Specifies the appearance of the dialog border. The border is not visible by default. 
Specifies the appearance and behavior of the form border. 
Holds the properties relating to customised button appearance. 
Holds the properties that control how the button section is displayed. 
The background color for the dialog. This color controls the background color for all of the dialog and its controls except for the button section. To set the color of the button section, use the ButtonBar Color property. 
Returns the value of the confirmed edit box. 
Text that is displayed in the content section of the dialog. 
The value of the button that was clicked. 
Contains the list of custom buttons that the dialog is to display. 
The monitor on which to display the dialog on. 
Controls the appearance of the different dialog sections and controls. 
Determines the style of the dialog to be displayed. 
Access to the created edit controls. Currently only one edit control is supported. 
Contains the properties for changing the characteristics of the edit control on a dialog. 
The dialog result referenced as a string. 
Properties that controls the appearance of the dialog. When TRUE the dialog will look like older style dialogs from operating systems prior to Windows Vista.
You should avoid setting this property directly unless you are sure you want this to occur. For a consistent look and feel for all dialogs use the OldDialogStyle exclusively. keywords: Appearance;OldDialogStyle;EmulateMessageDlg 
Holds the properties that control how the expando control. 
Specifies that additional input validation occurs as the user types in the passwords. 
Specifies the font attributes to use for the content section of the dialog. This font is also used for the Verification check box. 
Holds the properties that control how the footer section is displayed. 
References the form for the dialog when displayed. 
Holds the image to be displayed in the content section of the dialog. 
Holds the properties that control how the header section is displayed. 
Context used when F1 has been pressed and HelpType is htContext. 
Keyword used when F1 has been pressed and HelpType is htKeyword. 
Holds the properties that control how the help link is displayed. 
Invocation method for help when the user presses F1. 
Holds the Icon that is used in the dialogs title bar. BorderIcons must include biSystemMenu for the Icon to be displayed. 
Holds the properties that control how the instruction is displayed. keywords: Instruction;Text 
The coordinates of the dialog when the Position property is dpDesigned. The Location values are ignored if one of them is -1. 
Icon that is displayed on the left edge of the dialog. 
The maximum number of content lines to display. 
The modal result value of the button that was clicked to close the dialog. 
Returns the value of the old password edit box. 
Triggered once the Form reference that contains the dialog is destroyed. 
Triggered when the dialog is created. 
Triggered once the Form reference that contains the dialog is destroyed. 
Event triggered when the dialog has been collapsed by pressing the Expando button. 
Triggered once the dialog has been setup and is about to be shown. 
Event triggered when the dialog has been expanded by pressing the Expando button. 
Triggered when the dialog is first displayed. 
Respond to specific key presses on the dialog by using this event 
Returns the value of the password edit box. 
Determines if the dialog plays a sound when displayed on screen. 
Determines the Position of the dialog. When Position is set to dpDesigned then the top and left values are retrieved from the Location property. If the Location property has one value of -1, then the dialog is displayed centered. 
Holds the properties that control how the progress bar functions. 
Holds the properties that allow the extending of the RadioButton functionality 
Contains the list of radio buttons that the dialog is to display. Requires the doRadioButtons value set in DialogOptions
Overiew: The value of the selected radio button.
Specifies the checked value of the radio button on the dialog. 
Applicable options when the DialogStyle is set to dsSheet 
Sumamry Specifies if the Help button is displayed in the dialogs caption.
Specify to display a help button in the caption of the dialog. A question mark appears in the form's title bar and when clicked, the cursor changes to crHelp; otherwise, no question mark appears.
The help button will only appear when AllowMinimize is false. 
Specifies whether hints are visible on the dialog. 
This property is no longer used and could be removed in a future release. 
Holds the properties that control how the doTimer flag works 
The title of the dialog. The Title text appears in the caption of the created dialog providing the BorderStyle is not bsNone. 
Set to use the default fonts that have been set in the DefaultFonts global variable. When TRUE all specific Font sections are ignored. keywords: Fonts;DefaultFonts;TDefaultFont 
Specifies if the dialog should be displayed as if the MessageDlg function has been called. 
Holds the properties that control how the verification check box is displayed. 
The result of the verification check box. 
Determines the width of the client area of the dialog. 
Handle this event to change the calculated Top position of the edit control and label associated with the dialog. It is recommended that small increments are trialed instead of overwriting the new value. The changed value is not validated so caution is encouraged when changing. 
Event triggered when a control on the dialog has been clicked. 
Event triggered when the Dialog area is clicked. 
Event triggered when the Dialog has been closed. 
Event triggered when the dialog is looking for what control class will be used for a specific control on the dialog. 
Handle this event to set the edit control instance at a specific height. 
Handle this event to specify a custom edit control. 
Handle this event to return the selected edit value of the edit control instance as a string. Handle this event if your custom edit control class doesn't contain a 'Text' published property. 
Event triggered when the MoreSource value in the Expando options is msFilename. 
Event triggered when the MoreSource value in the Expando options is msStream. 
Event triggered when a control on the dialog has been clicked. 
Handle this event to retrieve the Verification result. 
Handle this event to perform custom actions when the cbHelp common button bar button is clicked 
Handle this event to process the Help Link being clicked. 
Handle this event to setup a custom control. 
Handle this event to set specific properties on the edit control instance. 
Event triggered when the progress bars position changes 
Handle this event to set the default value of the edit control instance. Handle this event if your custom edit control class doesn't contain a 'Text' published property. 
Event called when EditValue is being assigned. 
This event is triggered every time the Timer interval has elasped 
Handle this event to update a custom progress bar. 
Handle this event to update the state of a custom progress bar. 
Handle this event to perform validation on dialog input when the dialog has been closed. 
Use the OnVerificationClick event handler to respond when the user clicks the verification control. 
Determines which control type has the focus when the dialog is displayed. 
Dialog can be cancelled. 
Dialog can be minimized. 
Specifies that the verification check box is displayed allowing the user to show passwords as plain text. 
Specifies the bi-directional mode for the control. 
Specifies the appearance of the dialog border. The border is not visible by default. 
Specifies the appearance and behavior of the form border. 
Holds the properties relating to customised button appearance. 
Holds the properties that control how the button section is displayed. 
The background color for the dialog. This color controls the background color for all of the dialog and its controls except for the button section. To set the color of the button section, use the ButtonBar Color property. 
Text that is displayed in the content section of the dialog. 
Contains the list of custom buttons that the dialog is to display. 
The monitor on which to display the dialog on. 
Controls the appearance of the different dialog sections and controls. 
Determines the style of the dialog to be displayed. 
Contains the properties for changing the characteristics of the edit control on a dialog. 
Holds the properties that control how the expando control. 
Specifies that additional input validation occurs as the user types in the passwords. 
Specifies the font attributes to use for the content section of the dialog. This font is also used for the Verification check box. 
Holds the properties that control how the footer section is displayed. 
Holds the image to be displayed in the content section of the dialog. 
Holds the properties that control how the header section is displayed. 
Context used when F1 has been pressed and HelpType is htContext. 
Keyword used when F1 has been pressed and HelpType is htKeyword. 
Holds the properties that control how the help link is displayed. 
Invocation method for help when the user presses F1. 
Holds the Icon that is used in the dialogs title bar. BorderIcons must include biSystemMenu for the Icon to be displayed. 
Holds the properties that control how the instruction is displayed. keywords: Instruction;Text 
The coordinates of the dialog when the Position property is dpDesigned. The Location values are ignored if one of them is -1. 
Icon that is displayed on the left edge of the dialog. 
Icon that is displayed on the left edge of the dialog. 
The maximum number of content lines to display. 
Triggered when the dialog is created. 
Triggered once the Form reference that contains the dialog is destroyed. 
Event triggered when the dialog has been collapsed by pressing the Expando button. 
Triggered once the dialog has been setup and is about to be shown. 
Event triggered when the dialog has been expanded by pressing the Expando button. 
Triggered when the dialog is first displayed. 
Respond to specific key presses on the dialog by using this event 
Determines the Position of the dialog. When Position is set to dpDesigned then the top and left values are retrieved from the Location property. If the Location property has one value of -1, then the dialog is displayed centered. 
Holds the properties that control how the progress bar functions. 
Holds the properties that allow the extending of the RadioButton functionality 
Contains the list of radio buttons that the dialog is to display. Requires the doRadioButtons value set in DialogOptions. 
Applicable options when the DialogStyle is set to dsSheet 
Specifies whether hints are visible on the dialog. 
Holds the properties that control how the doTimer flag works 
The title of the dialog. The Title text appears in the caption of the created dialog providing the BorderStyle is not bsNone. 
Set to use the default fonts that have been set in the DefaultFonts global variable. When TRUE all specific Font sections are ignored. keywords: Fonts;DefaultFonts;TDefaultFont 
Specifies if the dialog should be displayed as if the MessageDlg function has been called. 
Holds the properties that control how the verification check box is displayed. 
Determines the width of the client area of the dialog. 
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Copyright © 2013 by LMD Innovative. All rights reserved.
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