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LMD DialogPack
TJSCustomCommandLinkButton Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TJSCustomCommandLinkButton.

Returns a TRect structure that contains the coordinates of a specific paint stage. 
Initialises the custom fonts used by the Command Link button control. 
Method to load the icons used internally by the Command Link button control. 
Paints the border of the button. 
Paints the caption section of the button. 
Paints the default border section of the button. 
Paints the focus rectangle on the button. 
Paints the glyph on the button. 
Paints the info section of the button. 
Paints the Picture associated with the info section of the button. 
Determines how the button handles the user pressing the escape key. 
Specifies the caption that appears on the button. 
Specifies the background color of the button. 
Specifies the custom colors used to define the appearance of a command link button. 
The default property indicates which button is selected when the enter button on the dialog is pressed. The default button also has a different border to the other buttons on the dialog when pressing enter will click it. 
This is the default height for the button. This property is currently not used and may be removed in a subsequent release. 
Glyph displayed next to the button caption. By default this is a green arrow. 
Provides a list of images that can be used to display an image to the left of the button. 
Specifies which image to use to display a glyph on the button. 
Use the Info property to display additional text under the button caption. Info text can be span multiple lines and include new lines. 
Controls the attributes of information caption written on or in the control. 
Returns the minimum required width of the button. Button caption must fit on the one line. 
The result returned when the button is clicked. 
Specifies when the mouse cursor is within the bounds of the control. 
Determines where a control looks for its color information. 
Additional Image that can be associated with the button. This image will display under the caption and next to any Info text for the button. The picture is also indented so that it displays under the start of the caption and not directly under the buttons Glyph
Provides a list of images that can be used to display an image within the button. 
Specifies which image to use to display a picture on the button. 
Property set to true when accelerator keys are always displayed. Initially set by the control and should only be modified by an outside source in response to a key down event. 
Set to True to show the image set in the Glyph property if there is one
This option does not suppress the displaying of the image set in Picture property. If you do not want the Picture to display then clear the Picture property 
Style used to draw the button. 
Determines if the user can tab to a control. 
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