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LMD DialogPack
TJSCustomConfirmPasswordDialog Members Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Determines the height of the button bar section of a dialog. 
Override this method to modify the calculated top position for the dialog sheet. 
Calculates the size of the dialog. 
Method that calculates the position of the dialog if the DialogStyle property is set to dsSheet. 
Calculates the minimum width required by the dialog when certain sections are active for a dialog. 
Method that checks to see if the dialog is allowed to process Progress Bar update messages. 
Method that allows descendant classes to override the minimum height check. 
Method that allows descendant classes to override the minimum height check. 
Virtual method that destroys any created controls on the dialog before being closed. 
Method that creates the required button bar buttons to support the dialogs radio button section. 
Method that creates the common button specified by the ACommonBtn parameter. 
Method that creates the control required to draw the content section of a dialog. 
Method that calls all section control creator methods to create the controls used to display the dialog. 
Method that creates the required custom button controls to support the dialogs radio button section. 
This method has no implementation in TJSCustomDialog descendants, but is used in TJSCustomEditDialog descendants. 
This method has no implementation in TJSCustomDialog descendants, but is used in TJSCustomEditDialog descendants. 
Method that creates the required control to allow a dialog to be expanded and collapsed. 
Method that creates the control required to draw the footer section of a dialog. 
This method currently has no implementation but may be introduced later. 
Method that creates the control required to draw the help link section of a dialog. 
Method that creates the control required to draw the instruction section of a dialog. 
Method that creates the rich edit based control required for the footer section of a dialog. 
Method that creates the control responsible for drawing the expanded content in the dialog. 
Method that creates the progress bar control used when a dialog needs to show progress information. 
Method that creates the required radio button controls to support the dialogs radio button section. 
Method that creates the required check box control to support the dialogs verification section. 
Method to call the OnAdjustTopValue event. 
Method called when a button on a dialog has been clicked. 
Method that triggers the OnCleanUpDialog event and calls the CleanUpDialog method. 
Method that triggers the OnCollapse event. 
Method that triggers the OnControlClick event. 
Method that triggers the OnCreated event. 
Method that triggers the OnDestroyed event. 
Method that triggers the OnDestroyed event. 
Method that triggers the OnDialogClick event. 
Method that triggers the OnDialogClose event after calling the UpdateDialogResult method. 
Default event handler for the OnCloseQuery event for the dialog. 
Default event handler for the OnCloseQuery event for the dialog. 
Method that calls the OnDialogConstructed event if one is assigned. The event parameter is the actual form created. 
Method that calls the OnDialogConstructed event if one is assigned. The event parameter is the actual form created. 
Triggers the OnDialogShow event if one has been assigned. 
Method that triggers the OnExpand event. 
Method that calls the InitialiseControlClass method to get the default control class for a specific TControlType
Method that triggers the OnGetControlHeight event. 
Method that triggers the OnGetCustomSound event. 
Method that returns the default edit class to be used for the EditProperties.EditType value. 
Method that calls the OnGetEditValue event. 
Method that triggers the OnGetMoreFileName event. 
Method that triggers the OnGetMoreFileName event. 
Method that returns the checked state for a particular radio button control. 
Method that returns the state of the Verification check box on the dialog. 
Method called when a Help button on a dialog has been clicked. 
Method that triggers the OnHelpLinkClick event. 
Method that calls the InitialiseControl method to initialise the default control instance for a specific TControlType
Method that triggers the OnKeyPress event. 
Method that triggers the OnProgress event. 
Method that sets the default value of the edit control. 
Method that is responsible for making the dialog visible and modal. 
Method that is responsible for making the dialog visible and non-modal. 
Method that triggers the OnTimer event. 
Provides default setting of the edit controls values. 
Method that triggers the OnUpdateProgressBar event. 
Method that triggers the OnUpdateProgressBarState event. 
Method that performs the dialogs validation. 
Method that triggers the OnVerificationClick event. 
Method that triggers the OnVerificationClick event. 
Method that either expands or collapses the dialog and calls the appropriate event for the AExpand value. 
Method that determines which control should have focus when the dialog is displayed. 
Method that determines which control should have focus when the dialog is displayed. 
Method that determines which control should have focus when the dialog is displayed. 
Returns the height of the title bar for the form specified 
Calculates the minimum width required to paint the content section. 
Method that calculates the edit controls width on the dialog. 
Return a particular TJSEditProperties descendent class used to represent the EditProperties property for a TJSCustomEditDialog descendent. 
Method that returns the required height for the footer section of a dialog. 
Method that returns the width of the image to be displayed in the footer of the dialog. 
Method that returns the width of the image to be displayed in the header of the dialog. 
Calls the DoGetControlHeight method and returns the edit controls height. 
Calculates the height required to paint the instruction within the instruction section. 
Calculates the minimum width required to paint the instruction section. 
Returns the default left position for the edit control layout. 
Method that returns the required height for the expanded footer section of a dialog. 
Method that returns the bounding rect for a particular section of the dialog. 
Specifies the system sound to play for the dialog specified. 
Method that allows descendant classes to change the calculated height of a dialog. 
Method that allows descendant classes to change the calculated height of a dialog. 
Returns the number of pixels the content section has. 
Method use to initialise a specific TControlType
Method returns the default control class type for a specific TControlType
Initialises the edit control on the dialog. 
Initialises the margin values used to control the dialogs layout. 
Method that repaints all buttons on the dialog. 
Method that calls all of the relevant section paint methods to paint the dialog. 
Method that paints the Button Bar section of the dialog. 
Method that paints the footer section of the dialog. 
Method that paints the footer separator of a dialog that has a visible footer section. 
Method that paints the glyph associated with the image. 
Method that paints the header section of the dialog. 
Method that paints the glyph and background associated with the Instruction section. 
Method that paints additional text within the content section of the dialog. 
Method that specifies if system sounds are to be played when the dialog is displayed. 
Method that positions the button bar buttons. 
Method that positions the content control on the dialog. 
Method that positions the custom buttons. 
Method that positions the expando control on the dialog. 
Method that positions the footer control on the dialog. 
Method that positions the help link control on the dialog. 
Method that positions the instruction control on the dialog. 
Method that positions the additional content displayed when the dialog is expanded. 
Method that positions the rich edit control when displayed in the footer section of a dialog. 
Method that positions the progress bar control on the dialog. 
Method that positions the radio buttons. 
Method that positions the verification check box. 
Method that recreates temporary controls as used by the dialog. 
Method that reinitialises specific control types. 
Method that resets a marquee style progress bar when displayed on a dialog. 
Method that loads the appropriate system image for a particular TTaskDialogIcon value. 
Method that makes sure that Command Link button hotkeys are visible. 
Method that updates the internal record that holds the various result values for the dialog. 
Method that allows descendant classes to change the calculated width of a dialog. 
Method that allows descendant classes to change the calculated width of a dialog. 
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Copyright © 2013 by LMD Innovative. All rights reserved.